Can Spotify Artists See Who Listens?

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms worldwide. It allows users to listen to millions of songs and podcasts. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about how much musical data Spotify collects from its users who have opted in to share their listening activity.

This has raised an important question “Can Spotify Artists See Who Listens?” In other words, do artists on Spotify have access to information about the individual users who stream their music?

In this guide, we’ll explore whether Spotify artists can actually see who listens to their content, and how they can access listener data.

Will Spotify Add New Features for Artists to See Followers?

Many artists would love to have features that allow them to see exactly who is liking, following, and listening to their music on Spotify. However, there has been no news from Spotify about adding such features anytime soon.

In fact, Spotify used to have a feature back in 2013 that allowed artists to see who was following them, but this feature was removed that same year.

The reason Spotify removed this feature is to protect the privacy and personal information of its users. Sharing too much user data could lead to issues and controversies. By keeping user information private, Spotify aims to create a secure listening environment for everyone.

Is the Artist Notified About New Followers?

Yes, artists on Spotify are notified when they gain new followers for their artist profile or playlists. However, they do not receive notifications every time someone streams or listens to their music.

If artists were notified every single time someone played their songs, it would result in an overwhelming flood of notifications, cluttering the system and making it difficult to track meaningful engagement.

It’s worth noting that Spotify does have a “Friends Activity” feed where users can see what their friends are currently listening to, if they choose to share that information publicly. However, users can also choose to keep their listening activity private by disabling the “Publish my activity on Spotify” option in the desktop app’s preferences.

Many artists are interested in monetizing their Spotify playlists and earning income from their curation efforts. To help track and manage their streaming revenue, they can utilize Spotify Receiptify, a handy tool that automatically generates receipts for artists, making it easier to track and manage music streaming revenue from the platform. However, it’s important to be aware of Spotify’s policies in this area.

Notified About Likes

While artists may not see who specifically is liking or following their content, they do receive notifications about the total number of likes their tracks, albums, or playlists receive on Spotify and other social media platforms.

Monitoring these like counts and follower numbers allows artists to track the growth of their popularity, even if they can’t see the individual identities of those engaging with their music.

Personal Accounts vs. Playlists

On Spotify, artists can view who is following their personal artist account, similar to how social media platforms like Instagram allow users to see their followers. However, they cannot see who is specifically following their individual playlists.

This means that while artists can gauge their overall audience by looking at their personal account followers, they don’t have insight into the specific listeners who follow each of their curated playlists.

How to Increase Spotify Followers for Your Playlists?

Even though artists can’t see the individual followers of their playlists, there are still strategies they can use to grow their playlist following and reach more listeners:

  1. Share on Social Media: Promoting your Spotify playlists across various social media platforms is an effective way to increase visibility and gain new followers. By sharing your playlists on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you can reach different groups of potential listeners and encourage them to follow your curated collections.
  2. Targeted Promotion: Rather than promoting your playlists to a general audience, it’s more effective to target specific groups or communities that share an interest in the genre or theme of your playlist. You can use online forums, subreddits, and specialized social media groups to share your playlists with people who are more likely to appreciate and follow them.
  3. Utilize Submission Platforms: There are platforms like SubmitHub that allow artists to submit their music for potential inclusion in popular Spotify playlists curated by tastemakers and influencers. While you typically have to pay a fee for this service, it can be an effective way to get your music in front of new listeners and potentially gain more followers for your own playlists.

Making Money from Playlists

Many artists are interested in monetizing their Spotify playlists and earning income from their curation efforts. However, it’s important to be aware of Spotify’s policies in this area.

Spotify strictly prohibits artists from paying for inclusion on popular playlists or engaging in any form of “playlist payola.” Doing so can result in account bans or other penalties. This policy is in place to maintain the integrity of the platform and ensure that playlist placements are based on merit rather than financial incentives.

While you can’t directly pay for playlist placements, services like SubmitHub allow artists to have their music considered for inclusion in exchange for a submission fee. This creates a more organic and transparent system for playlist curation.

Ghost Followers

An interesting phenomenon on Spotify is the existence of “ghost followers.” These are individuals who follow your artist profile or playlists without you being able to see or identify them.

To become a ghost follower, a user can follow these steps:

  1. Find the artist profile or playlist they want to follow.
  2. Click on the three dots below the profile or playlist.
  3. Select “Share.”
  4. Copy the link to the profile or playlist.
  5. Paste the copied link into Spotify’s search bar and press Enter.
  6. They can now follow the profile or playlist without the artist being able to see their identity.

While ghost followers may seem like a privacy concern, it’s important to remember that Spotify prioritizes user privacy and doesn’t share individual listener data with artists, even for their regular, visible followers.


In summary, while Spotify artists cannot see the specific identities of individual users who listen to their music or follow their playlists, they do have access to overall engagement metrics like total likes, followers, and streams.

Spotify’s decision to limit artist access to individual user data is rooted in its commitment to protecting user privacy and creating a secure listening environment for all.

To grow their audience and reach more listeners, artists should focus on strategies like social media promotion, targeted marketing, and utilizing submission platforms like SubmitHub. While they may not see who each individual follower is, monitoring their overall audience growth and engagement can provide valuable insights into their music’s popularity and reach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can someone tell if you listen to their Spotify playlist?

No, Spotify does not share information about individual users who listen to an artist’s playlist. However, the artist can see the total number of followers and streams for their playlists.

Q: Can you tell when someone views your Spotify profile?

No, Spotify does not notify artists or users when someone views their profile. Artists can only see their total follower count, not the identities of individual viewers.

Q: How can I see who my top Spotify listeners are?

Unfortunately, Spotify does not provide artists with information about their top individual listeners. Artists can only see overall streaming and follower data, not details about specific users.

By understanding Spotify’s approach to user privacy and data sharing, artists can focus their efforts on creating great music, curating engaging playlists, and promoting their content through strategic marketing efforts – even if they can’t see the individual identities of their listeners.

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